Identity Crisis!?!

                                                                     Who am I?

Have you ever wonder who you are as an individual?  Has anyone ever asked you to describe yourself and the only thing you could describe was a job title, ministry title or someone’s wife or mother?  Many individuals describe themselves based on their occupations or family relations because many of us are so busy doing or performing whatever title society or family has attached to us.  

After doing a little research, I discovered many artists ranging from authors to movie writers have provided pseudo identities for individuals who are unsure of who they are or who they represent; this gives the individual an opportunity to change their identity according their pleasure or leisure.  The only issue with this is, the individual starts acting according to pleasure or leisure according to their surroundings or peers.  Eventually, the individual will become confused between the personas and find themselves acting out of character in different setting, confusing their peers and most importantly themselves.

Maya Angelo told us we are a "Phenomenal Woman", Chaka Khan and Whitney told us we are "Every Woman"; Woman Suffrage Movement told us, "We have equal rights as men," Alicia Keys told us we are "Super Woman,"   and Christina Aguilera told us we are "Beautiful."

Can be confusing for you, huh?

Allow me to recommend someone who truly knows your identity and can teach you a great deal about yourself.   His name is GOD, yes you heard it correctly, GOD.  In the book of Jeremiah, God informs us "before (He) formed (us) in the belly (He) knew us (1:5);" with that being said he already had "a purpose and a plan 29:11)" for our lives.  In order for us to fulfill that purpose and plan it is imperative we assume our identities from Him.  In the book of Genesis, God called together the Trinity and said, "let us make man in our image (1:26.."As Christian we obtain our identity from God; we no longer accept what society has to say about us because their view in regards to us is contrary and irrelevant to what God say about us. 

So, I encourage you to take your cue from God about who you truly are as an individual; to assist you in this process,  I've listed a few passages of scriptures to review; this is not an exhausted list because God's perspective of us as created beings is unfathomable. 

                                                                         GOD SAYS YOU ARE...

 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."   Ephesians 2:10

" But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;" 1 Peter 2:9

" But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons (daughters) of God, even to them that believe on his name." John 1:12